Java 安全性設定指引(For Windows)

How to use:
Use the selectors to specify your query.
Click on a name to see the entry of the person in our Authority Database.

Click on a connecting line between two (or more) persons to see the nexus point entry that describes where and when these persons met.

選擇高僧傳 - Select a biography from a collection
跨傳查詢 - Query across collections
全選/取消全選 梁高僧傳 唐高僧傳 宋高僧傳 明高僧傳 比丘尼傳 出三藏記集 名僧傳抄 補續高僧傳

人名 Person name:
選擇的人名 Person(s) selected: 刪除 Delete

時間 Time:
選擇的時間 Time selected: 刪除 Delete

社會網絡圖 - Social network graph
人名資訊 - Person name (authority data)
關係點 - Nexus point