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483 BUDDHISM IN TAIWAN Bibliography




Brook, Timothy. 1993. Praying for Power: Buddhism and the Formation of Gentry Society in Late-Ming China. Harvard-Yenching Institute Monograph Series, 38. Cambridge: Harvard Council on East Asian Studies.

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Chen, Meikuei. 1994. Buddhism in Taiwan: The Interactive Relationship Between Buddhism and Social Change. M. A. Thesis, University of Oregon.



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Chen Ruitang 陳瑞堂. 1974. Taiwan Simiao Falü Guanxi zhi Yanjiu 台灣寺廟法律關係之研究 (A Study of Laws Concerning Temples in Taiwan). Taipei: Sifa Xingzhengbu Mishushi 司法行政秘書室

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Davis, Winston. 1992. Japanese Religion and Society. Albany: State University of New York Press.

Doumoulin, Heinrich. 1988. Zen Buddhism: A History. trans. James Heisig, Paul Knitter. 2 vols. New York: Macmillan.



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Feuchtwang, Stephan. 1974. "City Temples in Taipei Under Three Regimes," in Elvin and Skinner, ed. The Chinese City Between Two Worlds. Stanford: Stanford University Press. p. 263-301.

Fujiyoshi Jikai. 1968. 藤吉慈海. "Inshun hōshi no Jōdo Shinron ni tsuite -- Gendai Chūgoku Jōdokyō no Ichidammen" 印順法師の「浄土新論」について──現代中国浄土教の一斷面 ("On Yinshun's 'Jingtu Xin Lun' -- a Phase of Pure Land Buddhism in Modern China"), in Indogaku Bukkyōgaku kenkyū 印度学仏教学研究, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 737-744.

Groot, J. J. M. de. 1970. Sectarianism and Religious Persecution in China: a Page in the History of Religious. 2 vol. Amsterdam: Miller, 1903-04. Reprint: Taipei: Chengwen Publishing Company.

Günzel, Marcus. 1994. Die Morgen- und Abendliturgie der Chinesischen Buddhism. Veröffentlichungen des Seminars für Indologie und Buddhismuskunde der Universität Göttingen, 6. Göttingen: Seminar für Indologie und Buddhismuskunde, 1994.

Han'guk Pulgyo Ch'ongnam. 1993. (A Comprehensive Handbook of Korean Buddhism). Seoul: Korean Buddhism Promotion Foundation.

Hardacre, Helen. 1989. Shintō and the State, 1868-1988. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Harrel, Stevan, and Huang Chün-chieh, ed. 1994. Cultural Change in Postwar Taiwan. Boulder: Westview Press.

Henricks, Robert G. 1989. Lao-Tzu Te-Tao Ching: A New Translation Based on the Recently Discovered Ma-Wang-Tui Texts. New York: Ballantine Books.

Hsing Fu-chuan. 1981. "The General Development of Taiwanese Buddhism," in Chinese Culture: a Quarterly Review, vol. 22, no. 3, p. 79-84. See also Xing Fuquan below.

-------. 1983. Taiwanese Buddhism and Buddhist Temples. Taipei: Pacific Cultural Foundation.

Huang Mei 黃美. 1984. "Taiwan Bukkyō no Kindō-ha ni tsuite" 台湾仏教の金幢派について ("On the Chin-chuang Sect of Taiwan Buddhism"), in Indogaku Bukkyōgaku kenkyū 印度学仏教学研究, vol. 32, no. 2, pp. 747-749.



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------. 1985. "Taiwan Bukkyō no Senten-ha ni tsuite" 台湾仏教の先天派について ("On the Xiantian Sect of Taiwanese Buddhism"), in Indogaku Bukkyōgaku kenkyū 印度学仏教学研究, vol. 33, no. 2, pp. 615-617.

Huang Zhaotang 黃昭堂. 1994. Taiwan Zongdufu 台灣總督府 (The [Japanese] Viceregal Government in Taiwan), Chinese trans. Huang Yingzhe 黃英哲. Taipei: Qian Wei Chubanshe 前衛出版社.

Jiang Canteng 江燦騰. 1993-4. "Chaofeng Si yu Dagangshan Pai" 超峰寺與大岡山派 ("The Chaofeng Temple and the Dagang Mountain Lineage"), in Zhongguo Fojiao 中國佛教, vol. 37, no. 12 (Dec. 1993), p. 28-33; vol. 38, no. 1 (Jan. 1994), p. 30-34; vol. 38, no. 2 (Feb. 1994), p. 49-53; vol. 38, no. 3 (Mar. 1994), p. 30-33; vol. 38, no. 4 (Apr. 1994), p. 28-31; vol. 38, no. 5 (May 1994), p. 30-33; vol. 38, no. 6 (June 1994), p. 28-31; vol. 38, no. 7 (July 1994), p. 32-35.

-------. 1994. "Jieyanhou de Taiwan Fojiao yu Zhengzhi" 解嚴後的台灣佛教與政治 ("Taiwan Buddhism and the Government After Martial Law"). Paper delivered at International Conference on Buddhism and Chinese Culture, Taipei, July 24, 1994.

-------. 1993a. Taiwan Fojiao Wenhua de Xin Dongxiang 台灣佛教文化的新動向 (New Directions in Taiwanese Buddhist Culture). Taipei: Dongda Chubanshe 東大出版社.

-------. 1993b. "Xiandai Zhongguo Fojiao Yanjiu Fangfaxue de Fanxing" 現代中國佛教研究方法學的反省 ("Reflections on Methods in the Study of Modern Chinese Buddhism"), in Dangdai 當代, No. 84, p. 36-41.

-------. 1992. Taiwan Fojiao yu Xiandai Shehui 台灣佛教與現代社會 (Taiwanese Buddhism and Contemporary Society). Taipei: Dongda Chubanshe 東大出版社.

-------. 1990. Xiandai Zhongguo Fojiao Sixiang Lunji 現代中國佛教思想論集 (Collected Essays on Contemporary Chinese Buddhist Thought). Vol. 1. Taipei: Xinwenfeng 新文豐.

-------. 1988. "Taiwan Dangdai Jingtu Sixiang de Xin Dongxiang" 台灣當代淨土思想的新動向 ("New Directions in Pure Land Thought in Taiwan"), in Dangdai 當代, no. 28, p. 45-62.



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Jiang Canteng 江燦騰 and Gong Pengcheng 龔鵬程, ed. 1994. Taiwan Fojiao de Lishi yu Wenhua 台灣佛教的歷史與文化 (The History and Culture of Buddhism in Taiwan). Taipei: Lingjiushan Banruo Wenjiao Jijinhui Guoji Foxue Yanjiu Zhongxin 靈鷲山般若文教基金會國際佛學研究中心.

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--------. 1991. Ershi Shijide Zhong Ri Fojiao 二十世紀的中日佛教 (Chinese



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and Japanese Buddhism in the Twentieth Century). Taipei: Xinwenfeng 新文豐.

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491 BUDDHISM IN TAIWAN Bibliography

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492 BUDDHISM IN TAIWAN Bibliography

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--------. See Hsing Fu-chuan.

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1. Gazetteers

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495 BUDDHISM IN TAIWAN Bibliography

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2. Others

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496 BUDDHISM IN TAIWAN Bibliography

Foguangshan Wenjiao Jijinhui 佛光山文教基金會 (Fo Kuang Shan Educational and Cultural Foundation). 1991. Foguanshan Wenjiao Jijinhui Gongzuo Baogao 佛光山文教基金會工作報告 (Report on the Work of the Fo Kuang Shan Educational and Cultural Foundation). Kaohsiung County 高雄縣, DaShu Rural District 大樹鄉: Foguang Chubanshe 佛光出版社.

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--------. Women de Baogao: Foguangshan Zuole Xie Shenme? 我們的報告:佛光山做了些甚麼 (Our Report: What has Fo Kuang Shan Achieved?). Kaohsiung 高雄: the Committee, 1994.

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Hsin Tao. 1992. The Quality of Mercy, trans. G. B. Talovich. Fulien Village Lingjiaosan Prajna Cultural and Educational Foundation.

Hsing Yun. See Shi Xingyun.

Jingxin Da Fashi Wuzhi Huadan ji Pushan Guangdesi Shiwu Zhounian Jinian Zhuanji 淨心大法師五秩華誕暨普山光德寺十五週年紀念專輯 (A Commemorative Volume for the Fiftieth Birthday of the Great Master Jingxin and the Fifteenth Anniversary of the Guangde Temple) 1978. n.p.: n.p.



497 BUDDHISM IN TAIWAN Bibliography

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[Marui Keijirō 丸井奎治郎, attrib.]. [1918]. Taiwan Bukkyō 臺灣佛教, (Buddhism in Taiwan). n.p.: n.p.

-------, ed. 1919. Taiwan Shukyō Chōsa Hokōkusho 台灣宗教調查報告書 (Report of the Investigation into Religion in Taiwan). vol. 1. Taihoku [Taipei]: Taiwan Sōtokufu 台灣總督府; rpt. Taipei: Jieyou Chubanshe 捷幼出版社, 1993.

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Seck Zen-huei-see Shi Chanhui.

Sengcan 僧參. 1981. "Shanhui Heshang zhi Shengping ji qi Yigao" 善慧和尚之生平及其遺稿 ("The Life and Manuscripts of Ven. Shanhui"). Zhongfohui Kan 中佛會刊, no. 4, p. 2.



498 BUDDHISM IN TAIWAN Bibliography

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Shi Mojia 釋摩迦. See Shi Xingyun.

Shi Nanting 釋南亭. 1954. "Liu Nian Lai 'Zhongguo Fojiao Hui' zhi Chengjiu" 六年來 '中國佛教會' 之成就 ("The Achievements of the BAROC Over the Last Six Years") ,in Rensheng 人生, vol. 6, no. 11/12, p. 308-310.

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499 BUDDHISM IN TAIWAN Bibliography

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-------. 1987. How to Be a Fo Kuang Buddhist. Vol. 1. Fo Kuang Dharma Propagation Series 7501. Kaohsiung County, Dashe Rural District: Foguang Publishing.

-------. 1954. (writing as Shi Mojia 釋摩迦). "Liu Nian Lai Taiwan Fojiao de Qushi" 六年來台灣佛教的趨勢 ("Trends in Taiwan Buddhism Over the Last Six Years"), in Rensheng 人生, vol. 6, no. 11/12, p. 311-316.

-------. 1952. "Wo Weishenme Yao Ci 'Zhong Fo Hui' Changwu Lishi?" 我為甚麼要辭 '中佛會' 常務理事 ("Why do I Want to Resign From the BAROC Standing Committee?"), in Rensheng 人生, vol. 4, no. 10, p. 2-3.

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500 BUDDHISM IN TAIWAN Bibliography

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501 BUDDHISM IN TAIWAN Bibliography

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