在這個測試的介面中得以查詢關係點並以社會網絡的方式來呈現。如果您對其他的視覺化有興趣,可以參考不同的視覺化介面。One or more person(s) was/were at a certain time at a certain place.
In the testing interface,the events modeled as nexus points can be queried and viewed as social networks.For other visualizations of the same corpus see One dataset three views.
platform Browser |
Windows | Linux | Mac |
FireFox3 | java version: 1.6.0_21:△ below 1.6.0_20:O |
O | △ |
IE7、8 | O | X | X |
Chrome | O | X | X |
Safari | O | O | O |
Opera | △ | △ | △ |