Visualizing and Querying Chinese Buddhist Biographies

This is the website for the Fojiao zhuanji wenxue 佛教傳記文學 project at Dharma Drum Buddhist College 法鼓佛教學院. The project is funded by the Haoran Foundation 浩然基金會 . Here you will find interfaces that allows to query Buddhist biographical literature in new and interesting ways.

Visit the one dataset three views interface. (往介面)

The collections of hagio-biographies of eminent Buddhist monks and nuns are one of the most interesting sources for the study of Chinese Buddhism. Comparable to the genre of Latin vitae in Christianity, these biographies offer a fascinating glance into the lives of religious professionals in China between c. 200 and 1700 CE. Our project uses TEI to markup a number of biographical collections, which together contain more than 3200 hagio-biographies. The interfaces link the texts in various ways with the DDBC authority databases.

The aim of the project is threefold:

The datasets for all collections are now available for download. The data is in TEI/XML format and published under a CC (Attribution Share-Alike) License.  Creative Commons License

Download zip-archives containing the TEI/XML source, the RNC schema, and a readme file:

Project WIKI

For more detailed description of the project see:
Bingenheimer, Marcus; Hung, Jen-Jou; Wiles, Simon: “Markup meets GIS - Visualizing the ‘Biographies of Eminent Buddhist Monks’” in Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Visualization 2009 (Published by the IEEE Computer Society).
ISBN: 978-0-7695-3733-7 | DOI: 10.1109/IV.2009.91
Hung, Jen-Jou; Bingenheimer, Marcus; Wiles, Simon: “Digital Texts and GIS: The interrogation and coordinated visualization of Classical Chinese texts” in Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Design and Applications ICCDA 2010.
ISBN: 978-1-4244-7163-8 | DOI: 10.1109/ICCDA.2010.5540738