
Research Material for the Manchu Buddhist Canon

This is the webspace for research on the Manchu Buddhist Canon at Dharma Drum Buddhist College 法鼓佛教學院. Our aim is to make a modest archive available to the small but growing community of researchers interested in Manchu language and culture. So far we have produced an image database, an improved catalog in Chinese, Manchu and Tibetan, a Chinese-Manchu-Sanskrit-Mongolian glossary of Buddhist terms, and a bibliography on research on the Manchu Buddhist Canon. The creation of this research archive was funded by the Li Chunjin Foundation 李春金關懷基金會. We gratefully acknowledge the support of the Li Chunjin Foundation for the creation of this digital resource.

The Manchu Canon was created when in 1772 the Qianlong emperor (r.1735-1799) ordered a translation of the Buddhist canon into the "language of the Qing" 清文. The immense task was completed ca. 1790, when he composed a foreword for the edition. Only twelve sets of the canon were printed and distributed. The original woodblocks survived in good condition and the Zijincheng Publishing House 紫禁城出版社 of the Beijing Palace Museum gained permission to reprint the canon. In 2002 twenty copies were reprinted from the original woodblocks. One of these was acquired by our library at Dharma Drum Buddhist College 法鼓佛教學院. The Manchu Canon contains ca. 732 works. Each set consists of 108 函-boxes, plus one unnumbered box containing the catalog in four languages (Manchu, Chinese, Tibetan and Mongolian).

We have digitized a small number of cases. Three are made available here, comprising many important texts including the Heart Sutra and the Diamond-cutter Sutra.

Date: since April 2007
Last Update: Feb 2011
Marcus Bingenheimer, Zheng Baolian 鄭寶蓮, Simon Wiles




至目前為止,本網頁完成的主要內容有:1. 滿文藏經翻拍圖檔資料庫,2. 滿文、中文、藏文的佛經目錄,3. 滿漢梵三種語言對照的佛教詞彙庫,4. 滿文藏經研究書目。我們很榮幸,獲得李春金關懷基金會的贊助,進行此項獨一無二的滿文佛典數位化工作,並建立網頁分享學界。



