bza223 -- Sīsupacālā 魔欲惱動頭比丘尼

別譯雜阿含: bza223 BZA English: 別譯雜阿含英譯 雜阿含: za1207 SN: SN,I,133 (Sīsupacālā) Thī: Thī,141 (Cālātherīgāthā, vv.183-188)


如是我聞:一時佛在舍衛國 祇樹給孤獨園


「瞿曇沙門在舍衛城祇樹給孤獨園。有一比丘尼,名曰動頭,於其晨朝著衣持鉢,入舍衛城乞食。乞食 * 已,洗鉢,洗足,收攝坐具,入得眼林中,在一樹下正身端坐,入於天住。我今欲往,而壞亂之!」






受誰教剃髮    自號比丘尼
不欲樂外道    汝為甚愚癡


此外諸異道     * 眾為邪見縛
種種諸見縛    終竟墮魔網
釋種大世尊    無比之丈夫
一切種中勝    降魔坐道場
悉過一切上    諸事皆解脫
能調盡有邊    彼佛教於我
是我之世尊    我樂彼教法
我今知彼已    盡除諸結漏
斷除一切愛    滅諸無明闇
逮得於滅盡    安住無漏法
以是故當知    波旬墮負處



憂愁悔恨,慚 * 愧還宮。

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Translation of BZA 223. First version published in Buddhist Studies Review vol. 23-1 (2006).

Thus have I heard, once, the Buddha was staying at Sāvatthī at the Jeta Grove in the Anāthapiṇḍika Park.

At that time there was a nun called Sīsupacālā staying in the Rājakārāma Vihāra. One morning she took her robes and her begging bowl and entered the town to beg for food. Having finished the alms, she cleaned her bowl, washed her feet, and gathered her seat [for meditation]. She went to the Andhavana forest, sat uprightly under a tree, and entered [jhāna] meditation. At that time King Māra thought: “Gotama the renunciant is staying at Sāvatthī at the Jeta Grove in the Anāthapiṇḍika Park. Here there is this nun called Sīsupacālā, who this morning took her robes and her begging bowl and entered Sāvatthī to beg for food. Having finished her alms, she washed her feet, gathered her seat and entered the Andhavana forest. [Now] she is sitting uprightly under a tree, having entered [jhāna] meditation. I want to go and disturb her!” Having thought thus he changed into a young man, approached her and said to the nun: “Of the ninety-six [non-Buddhist] teachings , which one do you like?” The nun answered: “I do not like any of these teachings.” There the Bad One spoke a verse:

Who taught you to cut off your hair // and call yourself Bhikkhunī?
To refuse to enjoy any other teaching, // how silly of you!

Sīsupacālā said a verse:

These other, these different teachings // they all bind us with heretical views
Bound by various views // in the end we are caught in Māra’s net
The great World-honored One of the Shakyas // without equal
The conqueror of all // subdued Māra sitting on the site of enlightenment
He has surpassed everything // is liberated of everything
Entirely subdued and ended all finite things // this Enlightened One has taught me
For me he is the World-honored One // and I delight in his teaching
Having understood his [teachings] // I have ended all defilement
I have cut off all craving // the darkness of ignorance destroyed
Having reached complete cessation // [I] peacefully dwell in a state of purity
Therefore understand // Bad One you are defeated

At that time King Māra thought: “This nun knows my mind well!” Depressed, dispirited, and ashamed he returned to his palace.

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