bza214 -- Āḷavikā 魔欲惱曠野比丘尼

別譯雜阿含: bza214 BZA English: 別譯雜阿含英譯 雜阿含: za1198 SN: SN,I,128 (Āḷavikā) Thī: Thī,129 (Selātherīgāthā, vv.057-059)


如是我聞:一時佛在舍衛國 祇樹給孤獨園

* 有比丘尼,名曰曠野,於其晨朝著衣持鉢,入城乞食。食訖,洗鉢,將欲向彼得眼林中。時魔王波旬作是心念:







一切世間中    無有解脫者
汝詣空靜處    將欲何所作
汝今年盛美    不受於五欲
* 旦衰老至    後莫生憂悔




世間有解脫    我今自證知
波旬汝愚鄙    不解如斯跡
欲如摽利戟    陰賊拔刀逐
汝言受五欲    欲苦可怖畏
欲能生憂 * 惱    欲能生追念
欲能生百苦    欲是眾苦本
斷除一切 * 愛    滅諸無明闇
* 逮證於盡滅    住於無漏法




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Translation of BZA 214. First version published in Buddhist Studies Review vol. 23-1 (2006).

Thus have I heard, once, the Buddha was staying at Sāvatthī at the Jeta Grove in the Anāthapiṇḍika Park.

At that time there was a nun called Āḷavikā. One early morning she took her robes and her begging bowl and entered the town to beg for food. Having finished her meal, she cleaned her bowl, and decided to enter the Andhavana forest [to meditate].

At that time King Māra the Bad thought: “Gotamo the renunciant is now staying at Sāvatthī in the Andhavana forest. His disciple the nun Āḷavikā entered the town [Sāvatthī] to beg for food. Having finished her meal and cleaned her bowl, she has gathered her seat and wants to enter this forest. I shall disturb her!” Thereupon the Bad One turned into a young man, standing at the wayside he asked Āḷavikā: “Where are you going?” The nun answered: “I am going to a secluded place.” On hearing this the young man spoke a verse:

In all the worlds // there is no liberation
You are going to a secluded, quiet place // for what
You are still young and pretty // if you won’t enjoy the five sensual pleasures [now]
One day you will be old and weak // don’t have regrets later

There the nun thought: “Who is this, who wants to disturb me? What a cheat ! Is he a human or a non-human being?” Having thought this, she entered concentration and, using her insight, she recognized that it was the Bad One who tried to disturb her. She spoke a verse:

There is liberation in the world // I know this through experience
You, Bad One, ignorant and shallow // do not know its traces
Pleasure is like a sharp halberd, slashing // the aggregates are bandits, running after you knife in hand
You talk of enjoying the five sensual pleasures // but the suffering [caused by] pleasure is to be feared
Pleasure causes sadness and troubles, // pleasure causes longing.
Pleasure causes hundredfold suffering, // pleasure is the root of all suffering.
[I have] cut off all craving // the darkness of ignorance destroyed
Having reached and witnessed complete cessation // [I] dwell in a state of purity

At that time the Bad One thought: “The nun Āḷavikā knows my mind well!” Vexed, dispirited, and ashamed he returned to his palace.

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