bza042 -- Sakka pays obeisance to the Buddha 3 帝釋禮敬僧

別譯雜阿含: bza042 BZA English: 別譯雜阿含英譯 雜阿含: za1113 SN: SN,I,235 (Saṅghavandanā)


如是我聞:一時佛在舍衛國 祇樹給孤獨園


「昔釋提桓因欲詣遊戲園,勅御者摩得梨: 『 汝嚴駕千馬車。』 時摩得梨駕車已訖,詣帝釋所,白帝釋言: 『嚴駕已訖,宜知是時。』 爾時帝釋出毘禪延堂,合掌 * 西向。時御者摩得梨見是事已,亦生驚懼,失鞭及轡。帝釋語言: 『 汝見何事,驚怖乃爾?』 摩得梨言: 『摩佉釋脂之夫!我 * 今見汝 * 合掌西向,心懷懼故,致失鞭、轡。一切有生,皆敬於汝。一切地主,盡屬於汝。四天王天及三十三天,皆禮敬汝。誰復有德,勝於汝者,叉手合掌敬向西方?』 帝釋答言: 『 一切敬我,如汝所言。一切天、人所恭敬者,名之為僧。今我恭敬信向於僧。』 爾時摩得梨 * 說偈問言:

人身膿汗滿    劇於露死屍
恒患飢渴苦    豈彼無家
汝今以何故    極能恭敬彼
彼有何威儀    及以道德行
願汝為我說    我今至心聽


以彼無家故    我實於彼
彼亦無庫藏    倉庫及穀米
離諸眾事務    節食諧全命
善護於禁戒    辯說美妙法
勇健無怯心    行聖默然法
諸天阿脩羅    恒共有戰諍
一切諸人中    悉各有忿 *
今我所敬者    悉皆離刀 *
一切皆積聚    彼悉能遠離
世間所愛著    彼心皆捨棄
我今敬禮者    遠離一切過
摩得梨汝今    應當知此事


汝禮者最勝    我亦隨恭敬
摩佉之所禮    我今隨汝禮





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Sakka pays obeisance to the Buddha 3

Translation of BZA 042. First version published in Buddhist Studies Review vol. 23-1 (2006).

Thus have I heard, once, the Buddha was staying at Sāvatthī at the Jeta Grove in the Anāthapiṇḍika Park.

At that time the Buddha told the bhikkhus: “Long time ago Sakka Devānam Indo wanted to go for a ride and enjoy his park land. He ordered his charioteer Mātali: ‘Harness the thousand-horse chariot!’ Soon Mātali had harnessed the chariot, went to Sakka, and said to him: ‘The chariot is ready, we may leave whenever you please.’ Thereupon Sakka left the Vejayanta Palace and with folded hands paid obeisance facing west. When Mātali saw this, he generated surprise and fear, and dropped whip and reigns.

Sakka said: ‘What have you seen that you are so scared?’ Mātali said: ‘Maghavā! Husband of Suja! When I saw you with folded hands paying obeisance facing west, my mind became filled with fear and I dropped whip and reigns. All beings revere you; all the kings are completely under your rule. The four [Guardian] kings and the thirty-three gods, all respectfully revere you. Who then surpasses you in power, that you stand and pay obeisance with folded hands facing west?’ Sakka answered: ‘Everybody reveres me, like you say. [However,] what all devas and human beings respectfully venerate is the Sangha. I respectfully pay obeisance to the Sangha.’

Thereupon Mātali spoke a verse:

The human body is filled with pus and sweat // entangled within a feeble corpse
Always afflicted by hunger and thirst // why do you admire these homeless ones
Why do you // venerate them deeply
What beauty do they have // and what virtue
Please tell me // I would like to know

At that time Sakka Devānam Indo spoke a verse:

Right because they are homeless // I do admire them
They own no goods // no storehouse and no grain.
They have left all tasks and business // frugally live out their lives in harmony
They keep the precepts well // discuss the wonderful Dhamma
brave and firm they are without fear // practicing noble silence.
devas and asuras // fight incessantly
and among men // each harbors anger.
I venerate those // who have abandoned blade and cudgel.
Everybody strives to accumulate [riches], // they let go of everything.
What the world holds dear, // their mind has discarded.
I pay obedience to those // who have abandoned all extremes.
This, Mātali, // you should know.

At that time Mātali spoke this verse:

You venerate the very best // I will follow you in worship
What the Maghavā venerates // I too shall venerate

Having spoken this verse, Sakka mounted the chariot and left.

Buddha told the monks: “Sakka is powerful among men and devas, if even he venerates the Sangha, how much more should you, oh monks, who have left home to study the way, venerate the Sangha.”

When the Buddha had finished, the monks, having listened to what he had said, were happy and practiced accordingly.

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