bza019 -- Buddha sees a distracted monk 1 心意不定

別譯雜阿含: bza019 BZA English: 別譯雜阿含英譯 雜阿含: za1080


如是我聞:一時佛在波羅奈國 仙人鹿野苑中。



時彼比丘即於坐起,以 * 欝多羅僧著右肩上,叉手合掌,白佛言:





比丘乞食入聚落    心意縱亂不暫定
見佛精進攝諸根    是故佛稱為善哉

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The Buddha sees a distracted monk 1

Translation of BZA 019. First version published in Buddhist Studies Review vol. 23-1 (2006).

Thus have I heard, once, the Buddha was staying at the Deer Park [near] Benares, the dwelling-place of sages.

At that time the World-honored One put on his robe, took his begging bowl and entered Benares [to beg for food]. There he saw a monk, whose mind was not concentrated, his senses distracted. When this monk saw the Buddha coming from afar, he sunk his head in embarrassment. After the Buddha had finished his alms-round and washed his feet he entered dwelling-places of the monks and entered his silent abode. When he came out of his silent abode again, he sat among the monks and said to them: ‘This morning I saw a monk, whose had not reigned in his senses. When he saw me from afar, he became embarrassed, sunk his head and reigned in his sense-doors . Who was this?’. There the monk rose from his seat, arranged his his outer robe on his left shoulder, folded his palms together and said to the Buddha: ‘World-honored One! I was the one who was without concentration, whose senses were distracted’. The Buddha said: ‘Very good, oh monk! You were able to reign in your senses and focus your thought when you saw me. Whenever you see a monk, a nun, a lay-man or a lay-woman, you should do likewise. Control your senses and focus your thought, as if you would see me. This will bring you happiness and gain in the long night [of samsaric existance]’.

There a monk spoke this verse:

A monk went begging, entered the town / his mind distracted, confused and unstable; //
when he sees the Buddha, with diligent effort he reigns in his senses / therefore the Buddha says ‘Very well’. //

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