bza011 -- Saṅgāmaji and his former wife 僧鉗不顧本二

別譯雜阿含: bza011 BZA English: 別譯雜阿含英譯 雜阿含: za1072 Ud: Ud,005 (Saṅgāmaji) Sk(E): Enomoto 1994, no.1072 (SHT 5, no.1183 (NAWG, 1968, 1, p.23); Uv 33.21f.)


如是我聞:一時佛在舍衛國 祇樹給孤獨園






* 今此沙門善得解脫,能斷愛結。彼仙所斷,盡以獲得。」


見來亦不喜    見去亦不憂
捨除愛欲 * 者    最上婆羅門
來時 * 既不喜    去時亦不憂
離垢清淨行    名智婆羅門

* 說是偈已,諸比丘聞佛所說,歡喜奉行。

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Saṅgāmaji and his former wife

Translation of BZA 011. First version published in Buddhist Studies Review vol. 23-1 (2006).

Thus have I heard, once, the Buddha was staying at Sāvatthī at the Jeta Grove in the Anāthapiṇḍika Park.

At that time the elder Saṅgāmaji was coming to Sāvatthī from Kosalā and went to the Jeta Grove in the Anāthapiṇḍika Park. At that time Saṅgāmaji’s former wife learned that he had come to Sāvatthī. She got dressed, put on her jewelery, took their son with her and went to Saṅgāmaji’s place. When Saṅgāmaji came out to walk about in the open, she approached him and said: ‘Our son is too small to sustain himself, therefore I have come to see the venerable’. Although he saw her, he did not speak with her. She addressed him a second and a third time, but though the Venerable Saṅgāmaji stood facing her, he did not look at her nor speak. His former wife then said to him: ‘I came to see you, but you will not speak with me. Here is your son, raise him yourself’, put the son in the way of his father, left him there and went back. In the distance she stopped and looked back. The Venerable did not speak to his son. There the former wife thought by herself: ‘This renunciant has well attained liberation, was able to cut off the fetter of attachment. The cutting off, which the seer [the Buddha, has accomplished], he too has attained completely’. Her wish unfulfilled, she went back, took the child, and carried it back home.

At that time the World-honored One, his pure divine hearing far better than human hearing, listened to what Saṅgāmaji’s former wife had said and spoke this verse:

To see coming and not rejoicing / to see leaving and not being sad, //
one who has cut off all attachment and desire/ is the very best brāhmaṇa. //
Coming, one does not rejoice / leaving, one is not sad, //
getting rid of defilements, practicing in purity / this called a wise brāhmaṇa. //

When the Buddha had finished, the monks, having listened to what he had said, were happy and practised accordingly.

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