bza005 -- Nanda 1 - Nanda is reproached 難陀著鮮淨衣

別譯雜阿含: bza005 BZA English: 別譯雜阿含英譯 雜阿含: za1067 增壹阿含(18.6): T.02.0125.0591a08 SN: SN,II,281 (Nando)


如是我聞:一時佛在舍衛國 祇樹給孤獨園

爾時長老難陀著鮮淨衣,執持好鉢,意氣憍慢, * 陵蔑餘人,自貢高言:



「世尊!難陀比丘著鮮 * 潔衣,手持淨鉢,稱是佛弟,云是姨子,內自憍 * 慢,陵蔑餘人。」




「汝實著鮮潔衣,手持好鉢,稱是佛弟,姨母之子,憍慢 * 於人。有是事不?」






我當云何見    難陀樂苦行
如彼阿練若    塚間坐乞食
山林閑靜處    捨欲而入定


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Nanda 1 - Nanda is reproached

Translation of BZA 005. First version published in Buddhist Studies Review vol. 23-1 (2006).

Thus have I heard, once, the Buddha was staying at Sāvatthī at the Jeta Grove in the Anāthapiṇḍika Park.

At that time the elder Nanda was [always] wearing new and spotless robes and carrying the best alms bowls. He gave himself airs and with an arrogant attitude thought himself superior to others. Trying to advance himself, he was saying haughtily: ‘I am a younger brother of the Buddha, the son of his maternal aunt’.

Thereupon a number of monks went to the Buddha, paid homage to his feet, sat to one side and said to the Buddha: ‘World-honored One! The monk Nanda is always wearing new and spotless robes, is carrying the best bowls, and calls himself ‘younger brother of the Buddha’, saying he is ‘the son of the maternal aunt’, he is giving himself airs and treats others haughtily’. When the Buddha heard this, he send a monk to fetch Nanda. Having been ordered by the Buddha, the monk went to Nanda and said to him: ‘The World-honored One calls you!’. When Nanda heard this he went to the Buddha, paid homage to his feet and stood to one side. The Buddha said to him: ‘Are you really wearing new and spotless robes, carrying the best alms bowls, saying you are my younger brother, the son of my maternal aunt, and behave haughtily towards others? Is this true?’. Nanda said: ‘It is true, World-honored One!’. The Buddha said to him: ‘You shouldn’t do this. From now on, enjoy living in the forest, among graves, under trees, in worn-out robes begging for food. If you are my younger brother, born of my maternal aunt, you should practise like this, work in this way’.

At that time the World-honored One spoke a verse:

When will I see / Nanda enjoying the practice of ascetics,//
Living like them in forests / sitting between graves begging for food,//
in mountains and forests resting at silent places / letting go of desire, entering meditation?//

When the Buddha finished this verse, the monks, having listened to what he had said, were happy and practised accordingly.

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