bza003 -- Devadatta and Ajātasattu 提婆達多貪利養

別譯雜阿含: bza003 BZA English: 別譯雜阿含英譯 雜阿含: za1064 增壹阿含(12.7): T.02.0125.0570b20 增壹阿含(23.7): T.02.0125.0614a18 雜寶藏經(37): T.04.0203.0465b20 SN(P): SN,II,241 (Pakkanta) SN(R): SN,II,242 (Ratha) SN(D): SN,I,154 (Devadatta)(gāthā) AN: AN,II,073 (Devadatta) Vin: Vin,II,187 (Cv.VII.2.5) Sk(E): Enomoto 1994, no.1064 (Saṅghabh 2, pp.71-73; Uv 13.1f.)


如是我聞:一時佛住王舍城 迦蘭陀竹林





時提婆達多作是念已,即往詣阿闍世所,化作象寶,從門而入,非門而出。又化作馬寶,亦復如是。又復化作沙門,從門而入,飛虛而出。又化作小兒,眾寶瓔珞,莊嚴其身,在阿闍世膝上。時阿闍世抱取嗚唼,唾其口中。提婆達多貪利養故,即 * 嚥其唾。提婆達多變小兒形,還 * 伏本身。時阿闍世見是事已,即生邪見,謂提婆達多神通變化踰於世尊。時阿闍世於提婆達多所深生敬信,日送五百車食而以與之。提婆達多與其徒眾五百人俱,共受其供。時有眾多比丘,著衣持鉢,入城乞食。 * 飲食已訖,往詣佛所,白佛言:



「汝等不應於 * 提婆達所生願心。所以者何?此 * * 提婆達必為利養之所傷害。譬如芭蕉,生實則死。蘆、竹、 * [狂-王+巨] [狂-王+虛]、騾懷妊等,亦復如是。提婆達多得於利養,如彼無異。提婆達多愚癡無智,不識義理,長夜受苦。是故汝等若見於彼提婆達多為於利養之所危害,宜應捨棄貪求之事,審諦觀察,當作是解:莫貪利養。」


芭蕉生實死    蘆竹葦亦然
貪利者如是    必能自傷損
而此利養者     * 當為衰損減
* 孾愚為利養    能害於淨善
譬如多羅樹    斬則更不生

佛說此 * 經已,諸比丘聞佛所說,歡喜奉行。

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Devadatta and Ajātasattu

Translation of BZA 003. First version published in Buddhist Studies Review vol. 23-1 (2006).

Thus have I heard, once, the Buddha was staying in Rājagaha in the Bamboo Grove of Jialantuo .

At that time Devadatta reached the fourth jhāna [stage of meditation. After his experience] he had this thought: ‘Who in this country of Magadha is the most powerful?’. And again he thought: ‘These days Ajātasattu has inherited the throne. How if I were to bring him under my influence - I could control everybody in the kingdom’. Devadatta having thought thus, went to Ajātasattu’s place, shape-changed to an elephant treasure, entered through the door and left without using the door. Next he shape-changed to a horse treasure and did likewise. Then he turned back into a monk, entered through the door and left flying through the air. Then he turned into a small child adorned with jewels, pearls and jade, his body beautiful he sat on Ajātasattu’s knees. There Ajātasattu fondled him, crooned to him and kissed him, and [it so happened that] some of his spittle drooled into Devadatta’s mouth.

Because Devadatta desired gain and profit, he swallowed the spittle. Then Devadatta changed from his child form back to his own body. When Ajātasattu saw all this, he developed the wrong view that Devadatta’s magical skill in shape-changing surpassed that of the World-honored One. He began to venerate Devadatta deeply, and to send 500 chariots of food as his daily offering. Devadatta and his 500 followers all partook in these offerings.

A number of monks, wearing robes and carrying their begging-bowls, entered the town to beg for food. Having eaten, they went to the Buddha and told him: ‘World-honored One! When we entered the town to beg for food, we saw Devadatta gathering people from far and near and receiving great offerings’. The Buddha said to the monks: ‘You should not develop a covetous mind, like Devadatta has done. Why not? This Devadatta will harm himself because of his gain and profit. Like the banana plant, when bearing fruit, kills itself, like the reed and the bamboo, like the mule, when pregnant, and others. This is likewise. Devadatta receiving gain is not different from these. Devadatta is ignorant, without knowledge, does not know this rule, and will suffer because of this in the long night [of rebirths in ignorance]. You now, seeing how Devadatta harms himself through his gains, you should give up all this greed and craving and reflect carefully. You should understand this: no more craving for gains’.

Then he spoke this verse:

The banana plant dies when bringing forth fruit / so does the reed and the bamboo.//
Those craving for profit likewise / are bound to hurt themselves. //
Those who have attained profit / will find decrease and decline.//
Childishly busying themselves about profits / they harm the pure and good,//
like the palm tree [when bearing too many fruits] / they break and become barren.//

When the Buddha had finished preaching this sutta, the monks, having listened to what he had said, were happy and practised accordingly.

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